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Frequency Work

Why seek healing?

People want to feel better; mind, body and spirit.



We develop patterns that keep us in low vibration or depressed. Integrative Intuitive healing(IIH) assists our cellular memory from being stuck in feelings. The energy works on a physical cellular level, removing emotional toxins. We walk away with a difference. Moving in a positive direction. All experiences vary. A client may come in feeling depressed before a session and afterwards feeling sad. This is an indication of moving through emotions. Shedding a layer. If you feel sad, and receive a session then feel neutral, this is another example of moving through a layer. This process continues until the person is finding more peace and joy.  The client may have a different perspective after an IIH session.


Stacy meets the client where they are emotionally, with a framework of non-judgmental presence. Allowing the client to safely move through difficultly.


Clients find the following benefits to energy work:


  • Balance

  • Better decision making,

  • Less dis-ease

  • More in tune with yourself and others

  • Ability to build relationships better

  • Inner life or peace-inner life -having peace will create a positive perspective when the unexpected happens. We cannot control what is happening on our outside life. Through energy work, the emotional and spiritual atmosphere, rise to a higher vibration. By having an ability to have inner peace while going through difficult situations will cause less stress to our bodies. Keeping us from encouraging diseases mentally and physically.


IIH works on the layers away from the physical body ie. this distinctive atmosphere or energy centers that emanate from the person without speaking. We have a presence that is nonphysical, the layers beyond the physical body. Through energy work and coaching these layers can become strong which enable the person to have a presence of confidence and adventure.

Stacy studies and practices the following healing modalities which led to the fusion of IIH: Polarity, Cranial Sacral, and Barbara Brennan’s hands of light.

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